Sunday, 15 April 2012


Southern Regional Education Boards Electronic Campus or as short forms SREB's Electronic Campus was launched in January, 1998 as an "electronic marketplace" of online courses and programs from the South's colleges and universities. The Electronic Campus was designed to provide learning opportunities from accredited colleges and universities that offered courses and programs that exceed SREB's Principles of Good Practice. By doing this, learners could be assured of the quality and integrity of the courses and programs available in the Electronic Campus, that comparable information would be provided to help learners in making decisions that best met their needs, and that learners could quickly and easily search the large database of course and program offerings. Those qualities have been retained since 1998.

The expanded Electronic Campus is a student services web site representing the public and independent colleges and universities in the SREB states. The Electronic Campus is a comprehensive source for information about higher education opportunities in the South whether traditional campus study or e-learning. It is a gateway to e-learning opportunities and online services designed to meet the unique needs of adult learners wishing to start, continue, or complete their education. It provides a simpler, friendlier one-stop place for adults to learn about and understand educational opportunities, to select campuses and/or e-learning opportunities that best match their needs, and to apply online and enroll in courses or programs. In addition, the Electronic Campus is an online resource for traditional-aged students with links to planning for, exploring, and applying online to hundreds of colleges and universities. )

The advantages of electronic campus is:
Cost effective
Personalized Learning

Develop Knowledge
The other example of Electronic Campus is:

People nowadays are very busy with their career and family. They still want to further their study to get more knowledge and  they use Electronic Campus to do so because using this alternative, they will save their time rather than regular student. So, if Electronic Campus does not exist,do you think the married or working person still can continue their study? if yes, in what way?

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